ConCO2rde goes ESIB!

All our ConCO2rde ESRs joined the European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology (ESIB) in Graz, Austria organized by acib from the 14th to 16th of November 2022. For three days, they were jointly representing our ConCO2rde consortium in the ‘European projects corner’, and presented their research projects with posters. Franziska Meier from our group gave an excellent speed talk to introduce her project to the audience.

We had a fantastic time in Graz, and many possibilities for networking and socializing!

Looking forward to the next after-conference-Sushi-dinner-in-the-Hotel-bar with the ESRs! 😁

The ConCO2rde ESRs (with our project manager Barbara, Filip Sebest from our partner Silantes and our coordinator Sandy) at their ConCO2rde table in the EU projects corner
Franziska giving her speed talk
Matteo presenting his poster
Riccardo presenting his poster
Sander presenting his poster
Our ESRs at their ‘ConCO2rde’ desk in the EU projects corner